Aristotle and the Construction of Physics


  • Olavo Leopoldino da Silva Filho Universidade de Brasilia



Aristotle; Physics; Origins.


Aristotle is generally studied as being the phylosopher whose ideas, at least in what regards its Natural Phylosophy, were largely overcome by the Physics of the end of the Medium Ages, by natural phylosophers such as Buridan, Galileu, Kepler, Copernicus and many others. In this brief paper, I present another Aristotle: the one that set forth the seminal orgins of Physics and, with that, defined its semantic field of possibilities which, despite still wide, remains tightly linked to its milestone concepts.


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Author Biography

Olavo Leopoldino da Silva Filho, Universidade de Brasilia

Instituto de F´Ä±sica, Universidade de Brasilia, 70910-900, Bras´Ä±lia, DF, Brasil


[1] Lloyd, G.E.R., Early Greek Science: Thales to Aristotle (Norton, New York, 1970).
[2] Heidegger, M., Ser e Tempo (Vozes, Rio de Janeiro, 1995, 5a Ed.), pp. 27 e 50.
[3] Parmˆenides, Da Natureza (Thesaurus, S˜ao Paulo, 2000).
[4] Arist´oteles, Physics, In. The Complete Works of Aristotle, Ed. Jonathan Barnes, Vol. I, (Princeton, New Jersey, 1995).
[5] Arist´oteles, Organon: I - Categorias, II Peri´ermeneias (Guimar˜aes Editores, Lisboa, 1985).
[6] Sorabji, R., Philoponus and the rejection of Aristotelian Science (Gerald Duckworth, London, 1987).
[7] Grant, E., A History of Natural Philosophy (Cambridge, New York, 2007)



How to Cite

Silva Filho, O. L. da. (2016). Aristotle and the Construction of Physics. E-Boletim Da Física, 3(8), 1–5.



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