The birth of a theoretical physics paradigm: the Yang-Mills-Shaw theory
Symmetries; Fundamental Interactions; Particle Physics; Gauge Theories.Abstract
In June 28, 1954, C. N. Yang and R. Mills have published a truly fundamental paper on the Physics of Fundamental Interactions in Physical Review. At the same time, Ronald Shaw, a Salam’s PhD student, develops the same subject in his thesis. In both works, this is the first formulation of a field theory for vector boson mediators with self-interactions, different from the scenario set up by Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). This year, Yang-Mills-Shaw theory is sixty-year old and
it sets out as a remarkable contribution to contemporary physics, consolidating the gauge-theory paradigm in many branches of Physics, such as the Electroweak Theory, the Standard Model of Particles Physics, including gravity and other physical landscapes beyond the Standard Model. Our aim in this paper is mainly to present a popularization text, discussing the key contributions of the Yang-Mills set-up, the independent efforts by R. Shaw and the previous works and ideas that
influenced the constitution of the gauge-thinking era.
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