Concepts on statistical physics - fluctuations in equilibrium


  • L´eon Brenig Universidade de Bruxelas



Statistical Physics; Phase transition; Critical phenomena.


This essay corresponds to the content of three lectures about statistical physics delivered to the audience of the 2014 section of the R. A. Salmeron School of Physics, at the UnB. Our starting point was very simple statistical models (lattice gas, spin-1/2 ferromagnet), used as illustrations of the competencies and methods in statistical physics. Thus we introduce the Gibbs ensembles, defining a connection with thermodynamics and discussing the role played by fluctuations and large numbers. We present phenomenological aspects of phase transitions and critical phenomena in simple fluids and in uniaxial ferromagnets, emphasizing the universal character of the critical exponents. We describe the phenomenological van der Waals and Curie-Weiss theories and the Landau expansion, which are present-day relevant methods, despite the fact that such theories give rise to critical exponents in disagreement with experiments. We present then the paradigmatic Ising model, which points us to a way to overcome the phenomenological results. A brief presentation of the scale phenomenological methods and the contemporaneous renormalization group are considered at the end of these lectures.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

L´eon Brenig, Universidade de Bruxelas

Brussels University (ULB). Faculty of Sciences. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Department. 1050 Brussels, Belgium


[Essas notas s˜ao em grande parte baseados no meu texto, Introdu¸c˜ao `a F´Ä±sica Estat´Ä±stica, publicado pela Editora da Universidade de S˜ao Paulo em 1977.
Referˆencias mais espec´Ä±ficas foram dadas de forma expl´Ä±cita ao longo do pr´oprio texto dessas notas.




Como Citar

Brenig, L. (2015). Concepts on statistical physics - fluctuations in equilibrium. E-Boletim Da Física, 4(1), 1–27.



Revisões e Ensaios em Física