The history of the losers: The Theater of Objects in the construction of the show Só, by the Sobrevento Group


  • Kely Elias de Castro Universidade Federal de Goiás



Theater of Objects


The Sobrevento Group founded in 1985, an international reference in Theater of Animation, started to dedicate itself to Theater of Objects since 2010. This article analyzes Only, one of the shows created by the group from this stage. Thereflection starts from the participation of the author in the process of creating the piece, an action that integrated her fieldwork during doctoral research. For this purpose, the origins of the theatrical collective and the language dealt with are briefly reviewed. The study uses specific bibliography and establishes a dramaturgical relationship between the work analyzed and the ideas of Taudeuz Kantor.


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CARRIGNON, C.; MATTÉOLI, J.-L. Le théâtre d’objet, a la recherche du théâtre d’ob- jet. Paris: Themaa, 2009.

CASTRO, Kely Elias de. Trinta ano à beira do abismo: o Grupo Sobrevento, do virtuosismo da animação de bonecos ao objeto puro. Tese de Doutorado em Artes-Cênicas – Instituto de Artes da UNESP. São Paulo, 2018. Link: https://re-

CINTRA, Wagner. No limiar do desconhecido: reflexões sobre o objeto do teatro de Tadeusz Kantor. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2012.

KANTOR, Tadeusz. O teatro da morte. São Paulo: Perspectiva: Edições SESC SP, 2008.

VARGAS, Sandra. O Teatro de Objetos: história, ideias e reflexões. In: Móin-Móin: revista de estudos sobre Teatro de Formas Animadas. Jaraguá do Sul, SCAR- UDESC, v.7, 2010: p.27-43. Link: view/1059652595034701072010027/7997



How to Cite

Elias de Castro, K. . (2021). The history of the losers: The Theater of Objects in the construction of the show Só, by the Sobrevento Group. Dramaturgies, (16), 128–143.