Relações entre música e texto teatral: O caso do Forrobodó


  • Adriana Fernandes Universidade Federal da Paraiba



Forrobodo; Music Theater; Compositional Procedures.


This study aims to present the musical characteristics that connect the theater play Forrobodó, 1912. The librettists are Luiz Peixoto and Carlos Bettencourt and the music composer is Francisca (Chiquinha) Gonzaga. Initially, the problem of music and theater genres is discussed since the play is a Burleta. Then, each music of the play is presented in relation with its insertion in the text, how it happens. The intention is to show the effects of these procedures, and the abilities of the composer for this purpose.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, A. (2016). Relações entre música e texto teatral: O caso do Forrobodó. Dramaturgies, 1(2-3).