Dioniso y el elemento femenino. La música y la danza arriban a la ciudad


  • María Cecilia Colombani Universidad de Morón; Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata




Dionysus, Identity, Women, Music, Dance.


In this article we will relate dionysus to the feminine element from two related aspects: dance and music, which are the characteristics of the thíasos who accompanies him on his entry into thebes in the last tragedy that euripides dedicated to the son of zeus and semele. Dionysus is the bacchante who carries the red flame of his torch. Body and movement are features of the ontological resemblance between the faithful and the divine, at least in that unique, fleeting and untransferable moment that proximity implies. From this perspective, the vessels are the material and imaginary support that allows us to approach the representation of the female procession. The image returns the distorted figure of the maenad as a counter-model to the melissa woman; a limited figure, a neighbour of the forms of otherness that dionysus himself embodies in his epiphanic becoming.


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Author Biography

María Cecilia Colombani, Universidad de Morón; Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Universidad de Morón; Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata - UBACyT


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How to Cite

Colombani, M. C. (2023). Dioniso y el elemento femenino. La música y la danza arriban a la ciudad. Dramaturgies, (22), 554–561. https://doi.org/10.26512/dramaturgias22.48366