Dossiê Bauhaus
summative consciousness, Bauhaus, AL-Bauhaus, diagrammed knowledge against temporality, spatial explosion. (frst part) In the form of a commission, Composition for Stage, open air, curve and countercurve, what is simple can be complex, from square to cube, abstract and concrete, Artistic Figure. (second part).Abstract
The long-awaited celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Bauhaus aroused an almost planetary frenzy to give the current generations of scholars and lovers of this School of Arts and Crafts more light on what can still be intriguing and that lives in the shadows of a past that continues to fascinate and guide us. The refection that I intended to do as a specifc study dedicated to Wassily Kandinsky, Gret Palucca and Oscar Schlemmer, reveals my own thought contained in the following proposition: Putting certain elements together does not limit the summative operation, nor does it constitute itself only and temporarily as a center, organizing rather, as a peripheral possibility that precedes, accompanies or projects what is considered to be the main one. Two parts of the same work object will be considered. In the frst one, the historical process that involved the Bauhaus, the teaching and learning methodologies and, fnally, the European institutional understanding of how, in the 21st century, will be given voice and a new life to the ancient German School. The second part intersects the artistic paths and thought of the three mentioned creators. Apparently disconnected from each other, the two parts form a particular set in the light of summative consciousness. It is up to her that the choice of peripheral situations acquire centrality. The Bauhaus was also that.
Obra geral
DROSTE, Magdalena 2019. Bauhaus – A hundred years of Bauhaus, updated edition, Berlin: Bauhaus Archiv.
Documento de sistematização sobre a Escola Bauhaus
wall_text.pdf (
Ursula vom der Leyen. Uma nova Bauhaus europeia, in Jornal Expresso, primeiro caderno, 17.10.2020.
design-is-fne: Paul Klee, Idee und Struktur des... - Wunderdesign (
Novo Bauhaus Europeu: novas ações e fnanciamento para conciliar sustentabilidade, estilo e inclusão - Política Regional - Comissão Europeia (
Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm – Wikipedia
Kerstin Stutterheim e Niels Bolbrinker, 2009, Bauhaus – Modell und Mythos,
ARTE edition. 104 min. em alemão e inglês.
Bühne und Tanz | Stage and Dance – Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack, Wassily Kandinsky,
Kurt Schmidt, Lothar Schreyer, Edition Bauhaus, 110 min., línguas alemã e inglesa, 2014.
BOISSEL, Jessica (ed.), 1998, Uber das Theater, Du Théâtre, O teatpe, Köln: Dumont.
DROSTE, Magdalena 2019. Bauhaus – A hundred years of Bauhaus, updated edition, Berlin: Bauhaus Archiv.
KANDINSKY 1994. Complete Writings on Art, edited by Kenneth C. Lindsay and Peter Vergo, Paris, New York: Da Capo Press. Pp. 830-833; 840-841. (Sobre abstracto e concreto)
KANDINSKY, Wassily 1991, Do Espiritual na Arte, Prefácio e nota bibliográfca de António Rodrigues, Tradução de Maria Helena de Freitas, Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote.
KANDINSKY, Wassily 1998, Sobre a Questão da Forma, Da Compreensão da Arte, A Pintura como Arte Pura, Conferência de Colónia in: Gramática da Criação, Lisboa: Edições 70. Apenas o primeiro ensaio é fundamental. Os restantes serão escolha de leitura dos alunos.
KANDINSKY Wassily, Statement in the Catalogue of the October Exhibition, Galerie F. Möller Oktober-Ausstellung (Berlin), 1928 in: Kenneth C. Lindsay and Peter Vergo (Ed.), 1994, Kandinsky – Complete Writings on Art, New York, Paris: Da Capo Press, p. 730.
MOTA Marcus (direcção) Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia (LADI) da Universidade de Brasília, nº 09, 2019, pp. 361-504.
(99+) Revista Dramaturgias n.09(2018). Kandinsky. | Marcus Mota -
Informação recolhida a propósito de Viktor Hartmann
Leituras recomendadas
BEYER, Susanne (2009) 2019, Palucca: Die Biografe, Berlin: Aviva Verlag.
DUVOISIN, Huguette und RADRIZZANI, René (ed.), .GRET PALUCCA – Schriften, Interviews, Tanzmanuskripte, Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
KANDINSKY, Wassily, Curvas de dança, in: Anabela Mendes, 2003, Noite e o Som
Amarelo de Wassily Kandinsky, programa-livro do espectáculo, Lisboa: CCB, p. 52.
KANDINSKY, Wassily 1989. Ponto Linha Plano, Lisboa: Edições 70, pp. 50-51.
MENDES, Anabela (selecção e tradução), Pequeno dossier de textos sobre dança de e com Gret Palucca. Dactiloscrito, Agosto de 2020. (ver anexo)
STABEL, Ralf, 2019, Palucca – Ihr Leben, Ihr Tanz, Leipzig: Henschel Verlag.
TYLER, Lee Edgar, Kandinsky and Dance Photographs: Applying a comparatist methodology. In: pp. 131-136.
SIROTKINA, Irina , Kandinsky and the New Dance, In: pp. 137-141.
SCHMIDT, Werner, Artistas em torno de Palucca, perguntas de Werner Schmidt e Hans-Ulrich Lehmann, editado por Werner Schmidt e aprovado por Palucca nesta versão; Trecho das páginas 17-23. na versão em tradução.
Leituras recomendadas
BLUME, Torsten (Hrsg.) 2015. Das Bauhaus tanzt, Dessau: E. A. Seemann, Stiftung Bauhaus.
CONZEN, Ina (Hrsg.) ,Oskar Schlemmer, Visionen einer neuen Welt, Stuttgart: Hirmer Staatsgalerie Stuttgart.
KANDINSKY, Wassily, 1989, Ponto Linha Plano – Contribuição para a Análise dos Elementos Picturais, Lisboa: edições 70.
RUNGE, Hartmut, 1994, Dessauer Theaterbilder. Zur 200-jährigen Geschichte des Theaters in Dessau. Dessau: Anhaltische Verlagsgesellschaft.
SCHLEMMER Oskar, 1925, bauhausbuch 04, Walter Gropius und Lásló MoholyNagy (hrsg.), die bühne im bauhaus, Dessau: Bauhaus
bauhausbuch 04 schlemmer - die bühne (
SCHLEMMER, Oskar, Tagebucheintrag vom 7. September 1931, in: Andreas Hüneke (Hrsg.), 1990 Oskar Schlemmer. Idealist der Form, Briefe, Tagebücher, Schriften 1912-1943. Leipzig.
SCHLEMMER, Oskar, 1990, The letters and Diaries of Oskar Schlemmer, selected and edited by Tut Schlemmer, translated by Krishna Winston, Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, pp. 30-31.
Figur und Raumlineatur (Figure and space delineation), Oskar Schlemmer, 1924.
Letterpress on paper. cm. From Oskar Schlemmer, “Mensch und Kunstfgur” in Walter Gropius and László Moholy-Nagy, eds., Die Bühne im Bauhaus, Bauhausbücher 4 (Munich: Albert Langen, 1924) p. 13. The Getty Research Institute, 84-B6773
ballet-triadico-da-bauhaus-pesquisa-experimentacoes-e-execucao-refexoes-e-registros-percurso-de-uma-reconstituicao/bauhausbuch 04 schlemmer - die bühne (
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