'Honest and good citizen': The Informer in Aristophanes’ Plutus


  • Claudia N. Fernández Universidad Nacional de La Plata / CONICET




Pluto. Informer. Impostors.


Hostility against informers is characteristic of Aristophanes’ comedy ”“ evident in denigrating expressions towards his figure or as a form of insult ”“ and there are three comedies that have him among his characters: Acharnians, Birds and Plutus. In this last one, the informer is given the possibility of expressing his claims more extensively, as well as arguing and defending his way of life, to which he remains faithful, immune to any transformation. We propose a Spanish translation of the scene where he intervenes (ll. 550- 958), enriched with notes, and subsequent analysis of its most important aspects.


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How to Cite

N. Fernández, C. . (2020). ’Honest and good citizen’: The Informer in Aristophanes’ Plutus. Dramaturgies, (13), 88–101. https://doi.org/10.26512/dramaturgias.vi13.31058