The Triangle of Success: Author, Work and Spectator. The Greek Theatre and its Audience


  • Maria de Fátima Silva Universidade de Coimbra



Comedy. Tragedy, Audience. ‘Political theatre’.


Aristophanes ”“ following a common practice among the authors of the Ancient Greek Comedy ”“ often refers or addresses the public, with appeals, information, praise and reproaches. Although conventional, these different forms of interaction with the amphitheatre are relevant to allow us to understand the bilateral dialogue between scene and audience: on the one hand the influence, cultural and social, of the dramatic poets; on the other, the tastes of the spectators who condition the theatrical production itself.


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How to Cite

Fátima Silva, M. de . (2020). The Triangle of Success: Author, Work and Spectator. The Greek Theatre and its Audience. Dramaturgies, (13), 26–44.