Embryon and kyema on Aristotle’s Biological Works


  • Francisco Iversen Universidad de Buenos Aires – Buenos Aires – Argentina




Aristotle, biology, embryon, gestation, kyema


Although there are those who understand that the debates about the morality of the interruption of pregnancy are newly born, when analyzing some passages of the classical sources, the antiquity of such discussions is revealed. Likewise, as the legal, political and moral conclusions in such respects are often based on a metaphysical, anthropological, theological or biological position, it is necessary to enter these fields in order to fully explore the different edges of such a complicated object. In this way, this work aims to show the terminological pitfalls that the words embryon and kyema generate for the understanding of Aristotelian embryology, which is the basis for understanding his position on abortion, as well as the scholastic debates that use this as a source. We aspire to analyze the various appearances of both terms in various works of Aristotle - fundamentally De generatione animalium and De partibus animalium - and show how there is no criterion to distinguish them in most contexts.



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How to Cite

Iversen, F. (2023). Embryon and kyema on Aristotle’s Biological Works. Revista Archai, (33), e03318. https://doi.org/10.14195/1984-249X_33_18