Acknowledgment. Silence. Cavell. Faust. Knowledge.Abstract
This article is a study on the idea of silence in Faust (its literary expression). Based on Stanley Cavell’s interpretation about the subjugation of acknowledgment by the character Faust in Goethe’s work, a dialogue is sought between the works of Fernando Pessoa and Paul Valéry, namely: Tragédia Subjectiva and Meu Fausto, respectively. What guides this study is the idea of ”‹”‹ the success of knowledge that Stanley Cavell associates with the fictional character Faust. Cavell, however, understands that if Faust (Goethe’s) lives this success - that of knowledge - that would only be possible given the suppression of the need for acknowledgment. How, then, does Fernando Pessoa's Faust bring his own interpretation about the lack of acknowledgment mentioned by Mephistopheles in Paul Valéry's work? Moreover: how do the two Fausts deal with what has been suppressed? With this silence that comes from Goethe's Faust?
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