Brazilian poetry. Metaphor. Baptism. Death. Hilda HilstAbstract
For Octavio Paz (2012), poetry evokes a materialization of feeling, speaking and living, nourished by anguish, tensioned by absence and therefore proper to the interrogation of the experience of loss, transcendence, ephemerality, and , At the limit, of death. Guiding ourselves in concepts and constitutive elements of the lyrical genre (MOISÉS, 2012); In the conception of poetry and poem (PAZ, 1982); In the projection of the architectural form (BAKHTIN, 1998); In the nature of the lyric as creator of complexes of images endowed with pathos (CROCE, 2011), we intend to present an interpretative analysis of the poem titled XXIII, that integrates the work Da Morte. Odes Mínimas (2003), by Hilda Hilst, identifying the effects of senses produced, perspective, tone and their relation to the theme, from the stylistic resources present in the poem. Exploring, mainly, the metaphors of baptism and death. Metaphors responsible for the expression of subjective emotions, conditions of soul and thought, the deeper feelings of the lyrical self, poetically listed and "baptized" by Hilda Hilst.
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