Threats and Challenges for Security Measures on the Internet of Things



Palabras clave:

Internet of Things. Security. Smart City. Privacy.


[Purpose] The Internet of Things (IoT) has grown rapidly in the past few years and billions of devices are connected to the IoT network for collecting and sharing data globally for various applications. Due to the billions of connected devices, there is a potential risk of data loss, identity theft, device manipulation, trust issues, falsification of data, network/server manipulation, and various impacts in the application of IoT platforms. The IoT-enabled devices are growing rapidly day by day leading to amplify the threats to the reliability of the network.

[Methodology/Approach/design] The research work aims to push the present state of the art by identifying privacy and security requirements that IoT is presently needed.

[Findings] Various existing solutions for security in IoT and their limitations are addressed. Security issues such as trust based privacy policies for context-awareness, efficient holistic frameworks, and lightweight strategy for system resource constraints are identified.

[Practical Implications] The technological age of IoT will be relying on a large number of devices is forecast to expand substantially. Although many of the technology-related privacy and security challenges exist, developers and researchers need to work in collaboration to resolve those threats, as they have accomplished with several other related technologies.


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Biografía del autor/a

Mohammad Faiz, Research Scholar, MMM University of Technology, Gorakhpur

Mohammad Faiz received M. Tech degree in Computer Science Engineering from M.M.M. University of Technology, Gorakhpur, India in 2016. Presently he is working as a research scholar in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. His current research interests are Wireless Sensor Networks and Cloud computing. He has published various papers in International Journals and International conferences. e-mail:

A.K. Daniel, Professor, MMM University of Technology, Gorakhpur

A. K. Daniel is presently working as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, M.M.M. University of Technology, Gorakhpur. He is a senior member of ACM, CSI, IEEE, and various reputed journals. He has published more than 100 papers in various national and international conferences and journals. His area of research includes artificial intelligence, wireless communication, and mobile ad-hoc network protocol. e-mail:


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Cómo citar

FAIZ, Mohammad; A.K. DANIEL. Threats and Challenges for Security Measures on the Internet of Things. Law, State and Telecommunications Review, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 71–97, 2022. DOI: 10.26512/lstr.v14i1.38843. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.