Journal Info
Journal InfoAbstract
SCOPUS Q3 - MIAR Index 9.6 - SJR H-Index 4
Editor: Prof. Marcio Iorio Aranha (University of Brasilia, BRAZIL)
Editorial Board: Prof. Marcio Iorio Aranha (University of Brasilia – BRAZIL), Prof. André Rossi (Utah Valley University - USA), Prof. Ana Frazao (Universidade de Brasilia - BRAZIL), Prof. Clara Luz Alvarez (Universidad Panamericana - MEXICO), Prof. Diego Cardona (Universidad de Rosario - COLOMBIA), Prof. Flavia M. S. Oliveira (Universidade de Brasilia - BRAZIL) Prof. Francisco Sierra Caballero (Universidad de Sevilla - SPAIN), Prof. Fabio Bassan (Universitá degli Studi Roma Tre - ITALIA), Prof. Hernán Galperin (University of Southern California - USA), Prof. Jerônimo Siqueira Tybusch (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - BRAZIL), Prof. João Alberto de Oliveira Lima (Universidade do Legislativo Brasileiro - BRAZIL), Prof. Judith Mariscal (CIDE - MEXICO), Prof. Liliana Ruiz de Alonso (Universidad San Martín de Porres - PERU), Prof. Lucas Sierra (Universidad de Chile - CHILE), Prof. Luís Fernando Ramos Molinaro (Universidade de Brasília - BRAZIL), Prof. Murilo César Ramos (Universidade de Brasília - BRAZIL), Prof. Raúl Katz (Columbia University - USA), Prof. Roberto Muñoz (Universidad Técnica - CHILE).
ISSN: 1984-9729
EISSN: 1984-8161
Periodicity: annual issues uninterrupted since May 2009 and two annual issues in May and October uninterrupted since May 2018.
Submission process: authors are requested to submit their papers following the instructions at The journal adopts the double-blind peer review process.
Archiving policy: LOCKSS-CARINIANA, DOAJ and Brazil’s Senate Library.
Indexation: SCOPUS (Elsevier); CROSSREF; ROAD; THE KEEPERS; LATINDEX (28283); EBSCOhost research databases (EBSCO Publishing Inc.); Gale Group; AE Global Index; OAI (Open Archives Initiative) - DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); WorldCat; Google Scholar; The European Library; CIEPS (Centre International d’Enregistrement des Publications en Série); Sistemas SEER e Diadorim, do IBICT.
Permanent Web Identifier: LexML and DOI.
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