Net Neutrality and 5G in India

A Policy Delphi Survey




Net Neutrality and 5G. Net Neutrality in India. Net Neutrality and Network Slicing. Net neutrality and Traffic Management. Net Neutrality and Pricing of Services.


[Purpose] The debate over Net Neutrality (NN) that dominated discussion in the domain of Internet and telecommunications for over two decades, has largely been settled in favour of the principle of an open, non-discriminatory regime for all traffic travelling over networks. The rapid commercialisation of 5G mobile telecom technologies in telecom markets, however, draws regulatory attention once again, to aspects of NN regimes in apparent conflict with the requirements of the new technology. The emerging discussion has prompted reviews of NN policies in many countries.

[Methodology] This paper uses a policy Delphi to assess expert and stakeholder opinion on the likely impact of 5G of the NN regime in India and what, if any, modifications and alterations are required to enable proliferation of 5G services in the country.

[Findings] The paper arrives at a set of policy recommendations for management of the NN regime in India in the context of 5G technology, markets and services.

[Practical Implications and Value] These recommendations would be of practical utility to regulators and administrators in other countries as 5G is adopted in their telecommunications sectors.


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Anuradha Mitra, TERI School of Advanced Studies New Delhi

Anuradha Mitra is a former civil servant, telecom professional and researcher. She has a Masters in Economics (Bangalore, India) and a Masters in Public Administration (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard). She is working for a PhD in Policy Studies from TERI-SAS, New Delhi, on impact of 5G technologies on regulation of spectrum, network access and net neutrality. Address: I-1711, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi-110019, India. E-mail:

V. Sridhar, International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore, India

V. Sridhar is professor at the Centre for IT and Public Policy at the International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore, India. He has taught at many institutions in USA, Finland, New Zealand and India. He has authored 3 books and more than 300 articles on telecom regulation, with focus on India. Dr Sridhar has a PhD from the University of Iowa, USA. E-mail:  

Gopal K. Sarangi, TERI-SAS, New Delhi

Gopal K Sarangi is an economist, researcher and consultant in energy and climate nexus, energy markets and transition, infrastructure regulation and public policy. He has published several peer-reviewed research papers and is a speaker in national and international forums. He teaches at TERI-SAS, New Delhi. He has a PhD in Electricity Sector Reform in India, from TERI-SAS, New Delhi. E-mail:  


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MITRA, Anuradha; SRIDHAR, V.; K. SARANGI, Gopal. Net Neutrality and 5G in India: A Policy Delphi Survey. Law, State and Telecommunications Review, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 2, p. 31–47, 2024. DOI: 10.26512/lstr.v16i2.52024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 märz. 2025.