The spiritualiste connection

stylistic affinity and structural homology between Bergson and Debussy


  • Jane Ellen Harrison Dr. Erol Ücer Center for Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM) Istanbul Technical University (ITÜ)


Spiritualiste, Debussy, Bergson, Bourdieu, Homology


This article proposes some reasons for the striking similarity many authors have found between Claude Debussy's music and Henri Bergson's philosophical writings, by situating them in the spiritualiste movement. With the aid of Bourdieu's field theory, Bergson’s and Debussy’s leading positions as spiritualistes are shown to be homologous. Eschewing institutional and political power and instead focusing on creative works that emphasized individual freedom, the philosopher and the composer took relatively autonomous positions with high symbolic capital in their fields. The alignment of their positions may explain the stylistic, substantive, and functional connections others have perceived in their works.


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How to Cite

Harrison, Jane Ellen. 2015. “The Spiritualiste Connection: Stylistic Affinity and Structural Homology Between Bergson and Debussy”. Música Em Contexto 9 (1):55-88.


