South America and Southeast Asia interregional relations: Beyond South-South Bilateralism


  • María Florencia Rubiolo Universidad Siglo 21



South America; Southeast Asia; interregionalism; diversification.


South America relations with East Asian countries have flourished during the last decade. This dynamism was fueled by the economic trade complementarities, and the increasing demand of Asian economies of primary products and its manufactures. Our aim in this paper is to identify and analyze the latest developments of interregional initiatives between Southeast Asia and South America, considering also the contributions of bilateral and multilateral policies in enhancing the interregional links.




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Author Biography

María Florencia Rubiolo, Universidad Siglo 21

Universidad Siglo 21, Secretaría de Investigación, Cordoba ”“ Argentina.


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How to Cite

Rubiolo, María Florencia. 2018. “South America and Southeast Asia Interregional Relations: Beyond South-South Bilateralism”. Meridiano 47 - Journal of Global Studies 19 (April).


