Steps-to-War: an overview of its research program


  • Pedro Diniz Rocha Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais - Santiago Dantas (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC/SP)



International Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies, Steps-to-War


The aim of this paper is to present, via a literature review, the Steps-to-War model, its research program and some of the results gathered over the years to the Brazilian International Relations community. This is because, although the model has developed abroad over the last twenty years, there is not yet specialized literature published in Portuguese dealing with the Steps-to-War, presenting its main assumptions, or testing them empirically.


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How to Cite

Diniz Rocha, Pedro. 2021. “Steps-to-War: An Overview of Its Research Program”. Meridiano 47 - Journal of Global Studies 22 (April).




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