Language Contact and Linguistic Change in the Chaco


  • Lyle Campbell University of Hawai‘i Mãnoa.



The goals of this paper are to examine several aspects of
language contact involving languages of the Chaco region. More specifically,
I discuss changes that are unexpected in situations of intensive contact; I
consider possible explanations for resistance to lexical borrowing; I address
the implications of language contact in these Chaco languages for claims about
change in language contact situations in general; I evaluate claims regarding
mixed languages in the region; and I investigate diffused linguistic traits in the
Chaco and determine whether the Chaco is a linguistic area.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Campbell, L. (2013). Language Contact and Linguistic Change in the Chaco. Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 5(2), 259–291.


