
  • Alina Galvão Spinillo Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


Proportion, First-order relations, Childrer's difficulties, Partpart/part-whole relations


Proportions proved to be extremelly difficult for children due
to their inability in dealing with the second-order relations in proportional
problems. This paper demonstrates that the cause of the difficulties may
reside in the first-order relations and that children can solve some proportional
problems when the first-order relations are accessible to them. Our
analysis takes into account the first and the second-order relations in
several research studies about proportions; the nature of the first-order
relations (part-part and part-whole) and of the dimensions involved (complementary
and non-complementary). The discussions show that there are
different leveis of understanding by the part of young children about this concept. Educational, methodological and developmental implications are


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How to Cite

Galvão Spinillo, A. (2013). THE FIRST-ORDER RELATIONS IN PROPORTIONALTASKS:: ANOTHER VIEW ON CHILDREN’S DIFFICULTIES WITH PROPORTION. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 9(2), 349–364. Retrieved from