The body as evidence of the soul in Plato’s Gorgias




Plato, Gorgias, rhetoric, body, soul


We intend to point out that in the Gorgias, dialogue devoted to the critique of rhetoric, Socrates' frequent allusions to the body's complexion, and the recurrent use of corporeal metaphors to refer to what, by analogy, happens to the soul, function as a rhetoric tool in order to oppose Gorgias' own rhetoric. Thus, while drawing attention to the way Plato uses the weapons of the adversary precisely to attack him, we emphasize the indispensable role of the body as evidence of the soul in Platonic philosophy. Therefore, our intent is to reinforce the interpretive strand according to which Plato can be understood more as a thinker who departs from the pressing problems of his time in order to lead us into philosophical reflections ”“ in the present dialogue, the political consequences of a paideia oriented by sophistic rhetoric ”“, than as a philosopher solely committed to a transcendent metaphysics.


Author Biography

Pedro Henrique Araújo Santiago, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Mestrando do programa de pós-graduação  em filosofia da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Linha de pesquisa: Filosofia da Linguagem e do Conhecimento.


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How to Cite

Montenegro, M. A. de P., & Santiago, P. H. A. (2020). The body as evidence of the soul in Plato’s Gorgias. Revista Archai, (30), e03010.

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