Combating Internet Fraud through Operative-Search Measures




Cyberspace. Cybercrime. Crimes against property. Procedural actions. Crime prevention.


[Purpose] Currently, the rapid development of Internet technologies leads to an increase in the number of fraud-related offences, which requires effective ways to prevent and detect them. The purpose of the study was to determine the essence, features, and problems of operative-search counteraction to Internet fraud.

[Methodology] The methodological basis of the study was formal and logical, system and structural analysis, ranking, and generalisation, which allowed: identifying current trends and indicators of cybercrime; clarifying the concept and content of operative-search counteraction to fraud on the Internet; conducting a legal analysis of the criminal law norms of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EU in the field of fraudulent cybercrime; investigating the processes for identifying and preventing fraudulent cybercrimes by law enforcement institutions; highlighting certain aspects of protection against Internet fraud; analysing individual criminological strategies for preventing fraudulent crime using the Internet; identifying the features of interaction between government agencies in the field under study; considering key problematic issues of preventing fraudulent offences on the Internet and ways to solve them; revealing the prospects for the development of methods to combat fraudulent cybercrimes.

[Findings] The main results of the study were the definition of modern approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of “cybercrime,” “fraud,” “operative-search counteraction”; consideration of the regulatory support of Kazakhstan and the member states of the EU in the field of combating Internet fraud; clarification of the issue of criminal identification of fraudulent cybercrimes; clarification of practical aspects of operative-search measures to counteract fraudulent offences on the Internet; generalisation of possibilities for improving operative-search counteraction to fraud committed via the Internet. The significance of the results lies in the provision of practical recommendations regarding the concept and methods of operative-search counteraction to Internet fraud.


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Author Biographies

Samat Shaisultanov, M. Esbolatov Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Doctoral Student. Faculty of Postgraduate Education, M. Esbolatov Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Address: Utepov Str., 29, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050060. E-mail:

Talgat Akimzhanov, M. Esbolatov Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Full Doctor in Law, Researcher. Research Center, M. Esbolatov Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Address: Utepov Str., 29, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050060. E-mail:

Boris Abdrakhmanov, Eurasian Law Academy

Full Doctor in Law, Professor. Department of Criminal Law Disciplines and Law Enforcement, Eurasian Law Academy named after D.A. Kunayev. Address: Kurmangazy Str., 107, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050022. E-mail:

Ardak Bazarlinova, M. Esbolatov Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Senior Lecturer. Faculty No. 1 of Training of the Management Staff of the Department of Internal Affairs, M. Esbolatov Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Address: Utepov Str., 29, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050060. E-mail:

Aida Bazarlinova, “Aikis Travel” Company

Senior Lecturer. “Aikis Travel” Company. Address: Kydyrov Str., 39A, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050006. E-mail:


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How to Cite

SHAISULTANOV, Samat; AKIMZHANOV, Talgat; ABDRAKHMANOV, Boris; BAZARLINOVA, Ardak; BAZARLINOVA, Aida. Combating Internet Fraud through Operative-Search Measures . Law, State and Telecommunications Review, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 2, p. 257–275, 2024. DOI: 10.26512/lstr.v16i2.50740. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 oct. 2024.