Competition in traditional telecommunications markets and OTT


  • Rebeca Escobar-Briones IFT
  • Nubia M. Conde-Menchaca Subdirectora de Investigación del IFT



OTT. Competition. Internet. Substitution.


Purpose ”“ Economic activity is based increasingly on the Internet. This development generates multiple benefits for consumers but also competition challenges for operators and regulatory authorities.

Methodology/approach/design ”“ The study considers the recent evolution of the traditional voice, messaging and video telecommunications services, as well as OTT of similar functionality that coexist in the markets with them. Based on the literature review, the degree of substitution and / or complementarity between traditional services and OTT is analyzed from a demand perspective.

Findings ”“ No conclusions can be set, as certain conditions of consumption substitution is observed, while in others, complementarity between services. From the perspective of suppliers, there is a certain complementarity that is reflected in a greater number of associations between operators and OTT.


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Author Biographies

Rebeca Escobar-Briones, IFT

Investigadora en Competencia Económica del IFT. Experta en regulación, competencia y telecomunicaciones, cuenta con diversas publicaciones en esas materias. Fue Candidata a Comisionada para el IFT y la COFECE en 2013 y 2016. Es maestra en Política Pública (ITAM), tiene un postgrado en Administración (U. Católica de Lovaina), y es egresada de la Licenciatura de Economía (ITAM). E-mail:

Nubia M. Conde-Menchaca, Subdirectora de Investigación del IFT

Purpose ”“ Economic activity is based increasingly on the Internet. This development generates multiple benefits for consumers but also competition challenges for operators and regulatory authorities.

Methodology/approach/design ”“ The study considers the recent evolution of the traditional voice, messaging and video telecommunications services, as well as OTT of similar functionality that coexist in the markets with them. Based on the literature review, the degree of substitution and / or complementarity between traditional services and OTT is analyzed from a demand perspective.

Findings ”“ No conclusions can be set, as certain conditions of consumption substitution is observed, while in others, complementarity between services. From the perspective of suppliers, there is a certain complementarity that is reflected in a greater number of associations between operators and OTT.


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How to Cite

ESCOBAR-BRIONES, Rebeca; CONDE-MENCHACA, Nubia M. Competition in traditional telecommunications markets and OTT. Law, State and Telecommunications Review, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 79–100, 2019. DOI: 10.26512/lstr.v11i1.24850. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.