Dissoì lógoi § 5

contextualización, traducción e interpretación





Dissoì Lógoi, Antilogy, Relativism, Paradox, Eristic


The aim of this paper is to analyze Dialex. § 5 in order to show that the author not only uses eristical arguments, but he also offers a solution to them. First, I present some general remarks about the date of composition, authorship, and structure of the treatise so as to appreciate the singularity of the fifth paragraph. Then, I offer a complete translation of Dialex. § 5 and I point out the similarities between the arguments presented there and some eristic paradoxes discussed in Plato's Euthydemus and Aristotle's Sophistical Refutations. Finally, I analyze Dialex. § 5. 15 and I propose an interpretation of the argument based on the philosophical context in which it was formulated.



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How to Cite

Gardella, M. (2019). Dissoì lógoi § 5: contextualización, traducción e interpretación. Revista Archai, (26), e02601. https://doi.org/10.14195/1984-249X_26_1